In this episode of Love Island- lite, we meet a groom who also seems to have been repurposed for this season’s MAFS.

25 year old Al has washboard abs, a chiseled jawline, multiple investment properties that he certainly bought alone and zero insecurities. He’s also apparently never had a girlfriend, a claim which looks like it might not be 100% true. His vows start off as the lyrics to “Lose Yourself” by Eminem, which not gonna lie, I kinda think is hilarious.


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He’s partnered up with retail brad manager and Eliza Limehouse from Southern Charm– lookalike Sam, whose boyfriend cheated on her and who thinks Al seems to be waving a bunch of pink flags around and refuses to kiss him for the photos. And she probably hasn’t even seen his intro where his mum tucks in his shirt yet.


His mum gives a speech that starts off lovely and helps Sam warm to him, until mum flips the switch and starts roasting him. His foolproof plan to impress Sam seems to include doing the worm.


They seem to relax with each other on the honeymoon and Sam even admits he’s growing on her (I’m assuming cos the hotel probably cleans up after them). Al gets more confident that Sam is into him and tries fro another kiss, which she brutally rejects yet again, and you can see this has never happened to Al and he is genuinely confused about why she wouldn’t be into someone as perfect as him.




Our second couple are the sweet Olivia and Jackson, who have been given nice music and a fancy venue so you know MAFS think they’ll work out (at least past week 3). Olivia is very insecure and has low self confidence due to being overweight previously, and has just put her life on hold to take care of her sick dad for 7 years, who passed away the year before. Jackson is a “protector” type who takes care of his mother and sisters and seems like her hopefully won’t tear the rest of her self esteem apart.



Olivia’s mum is asking the hard questions, including if Jackson’s dog is male or female, and just before she runs out of questions, Jackson pulls out a sweet speech his mum wrote. Olivia seems very invested already so you’re really hoping this won’t end up like Connie and Jonethen situation from a few years ago.


And we’re finally done with weddings! The dinner party is tonight and man I hope someone throws wine!


Image credit: Nine

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