Bill Skarsgard, known for his role as Pennywise in It, has undergone a striking transformation for his latest role in The Crow. The 34-year-old Swedish actor shared his new, ripped physique after months of intense training and a strict diet to prepare for the Lionsgate film.

In The Crow, based on the 1980s graphic novel, Skarsgard plays Eric, who returns from the dead to seek revenge on those who murdered him and his fiancée, Shelly (played by FKA Twigs). Skarsgard detailed his preparation, explaining that while he needed to be muscular for the role, he didn’t want to become too bulky. His training focused on weightlifting and a high-protein diet.

Director Rupert Sanders revealed that Skarsgard’s diet consisted mainly of steak tartare and raw eggs, avoiding sugar and alcohol. Despite the intense regimen, Skarsgard remained dedicated, putting his co-workers to shame with his discipline.

Skarsgard, the younger brother of Alexander Skarsgard and son of Stellan Skarsgard, has been steadily acting since 2008.

The Crow is now showing in cinemas.

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